I Can Do All Things Through CHRIST Who Strenghtens Me - Philippians 4:13

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Series of Unfortunate Events

Saturday January 21, 2012
11:11 pm
Alumni Hall

I am probably going to post this Sunday because I just wanted to post some pictures that I have taken its not much but its really hard to take pictures of daily life here because you become some amalgamated with life that taking pictures around makes you feel like some kind of tourist, so I don't have too much pictures but I promise to try to take more, I usually enjoy looking back at pictures that I have taken around the Island. But first for laughs I am going to post the worst picture, well one of the worst picture that I have ever taken, I promise it happened by accident, I guess accident makes the best pictures so I wanted to share the laugh and the horror. 
how hideous lol 

the view from my bed, I had to semi sleep on those benches well semi sleep
because I had to watch my luggage,. 
 So its been a week so far, arrived in Grenada on Monday and oh my gosh worst trip ever well second worst trip ever the first trip to Grenada was my worst flying experience EVERRRR!!! I think there is a place in brain that tries to forget those misreable 3 days lol. Its okay any way, I think it will be better lots of people have worst experience than I, at least I didn't lose my luggages so Thank You Jesus I am here, because if I did I could have put a curse on that airplane lol, just kididng, I will just call my mum and cry my eyes out. 

beach yoga, I am on a Island but I am keeping my yoga
in my bedroom
Coming back to Grenada you know I really don't believe so much in bad luck, I just think its just a series of unfortunate events or just a co in ki dink, well lots of co in ki dinks have been happening to me all week, and almost everything I try to do, I have "bad luck" I am like can anything work right. Well some things are just a few but everything else, honestly I really think this my "bad luck" might be contagious so watch out for me lol. So maybe by next MONTH I will be officially settled lol and hopefully if anything goes wrong it will be little things. Feelings, how do I feel to be back, it feels alot different from last semester, have not met much new people, it feels calmer, and I feel the change is sought of fitting. It feels more like school and everything else instead of school with everything else. I am even going to pick up doing yoga this semester again. I remember when I use to wake up in the morning to do yoga and I did afternoon yoga those where the times. When you have a center of inner peace anything is possible. 

O h and I got my stuff from storage and mold everywhere, everywhere, all my clothes smell like mold and there is mold residue and some stuff, this school all the money we pay they need to clean that storage and they were bugs on all over the boxes its like not nice. I think those bugs escaped all over my room, they are so small I don't see them all the time but I know they are there. Here are just some few examples of extent of the mold 
yep, all my stored shoes have mold this bad on them

all my jeans have obvious mold stains on them and a couple of other

yep moldy indeed
So never will I store my stuff in the school's storage facility unless they clean out that stuff, I know its like "free" I mean how free can it be, its probably coming from our tuition but mold is not good for your health and my health is more important than shoving a couple of ec dollars to have my stuff stored in a non moldy place but we will see. I really hope they do because my skin had an instant reaction to the mold luckily not that intense but it could be worst for some 

And then there is the beast called the valentines day fundraiser, I thought about it last year, it is really simple and I thought it would be exciting to facilitate something like this. The fundraiser is pretty much selling flower grams and delivering it in classes on the v-day. I go hot and cold with it but I am still making progress to make it happen. Its just going to take alot of cooperation and it seems like its going be like ahh but I don't know we will see if it happens. It might go well, go alright or go horribly or not at all. Its hard to plan stuff when its like the first time its being implemented, there is this pioneer in me that's is like I really want to accomplish this, I really want to just like have this idea, implement it and hope its successful but any kind of success will be good. There is something great feeling about having an idea and seeing it implemented whether you are the one that implements it or just sit back and watch. 

School is going okay. I had almost registeration delimma, I was like please no more wahala (trouble). Kathy I believe is her name, in the registertation office, people like that is what makes this world awesome, she was so helpful and assuring, like I love her. lol. Things like this like school administrative stuff they can make you run around like crazy but she really helped me out. I thank God for people like her in sea of displeasuring people. lol. 
What am I looking forward too, well just studying really lame but the more I feel myself with info the happier I will be, I am going to be a professional of public health soon lol, I want to be like ontop of whatever I am suppose to know, Fish friday we are going to take a boat trip on the beautiful ocean to like a fish market. But one negative is my hair is out of control but I just didn't want to spend anytime with it but its turning to some jumbo afro that needs to be tamed but whatever this is why I like braids. 

Its Wednesday now and I was going to post this on Sunday but you know no time but my internet problems I cleared out in my dorm room. I no longer have to go to any study halls or library, yeaaa but next they need to give me a new study table though. I still don't feel completely settled I still have to get some of my stuff from a friends place. My sweet comforter but I thank my friend who lend me her blanket, that blanket has been like a Blessing from God. I could have been feehrezzing because a lot of my stuff were in storage. 

The gym, working out ahhh I am feeling so ahh. Well I wanted to workout just for working out sake but now that I checked my weight I am like woahh, I don't like the pressure of losing pounds but its been really hard for me to maintain a steady weight for long it seems as years go by it gets more bigger and I am not like oh my gosh i am a fattyy fat fat all the time maybe sometimes but I just want to have control of my weight just maintain thats all. You know if I had huge hips I won't even workout, I will just count my Blessings lol. I am crazy I want huge hips and thats something working out can't give you lol.  But I am so grateful one of my friend is going to be my personal trainer and she is going to help me get in shape we already did a work out already and I found out that we share a common medical condition, I was like I love you right now, like I thought I was crazy for having this symptoms but yeah on that she is awesome. It felt nice working out, even though the gym smelt like ten milllion wrestlers armpits. I am not looking forward to watching what I eat. I think I will eat the same I will just cut down on coke, chocolate and late night snackage and more water. I am not DIE-ting. Anytime I think of the word i immediately want to eat a huge batch of french fries lol.

To end everything here are some pics from a friends Bday, it was so sweet and at my favourite restaurant in grenada thus far, Umbrellas 

Well till next, I am proud of myself that I am actually posting a blog as I am in Grenada, since it never worked out last time. So maybe this means I will be able to keep it up but I need to take some more pictures. So much picturable moments this past week but ehh 

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