I Can Do All Things Through CHRIST Who Strenghtens Me - Philippians 4:13

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Saturday, 14 January 2012
8:53 A. M. 
 Texas, USA

Right now I am in the middle of hurriedly packing because I am leaving for the airport soon, I have packed but I am just double checking and taking stuff out and annoying stuff like that.  Well I suppose I am not that much in a hurry since I am writing on this blog. There a couple of things I need to get before I leave just rechargeable batter charger etc. Still all this packing makes me wish I had one more extra day or one more extra week lol. I didn't get my new glasses prescription yet and neither did I get my prescribed drugs, even though I get the drugs I sure won't be taking them, drugs are gross, even the vitamin C tablet is gross lol. but I feel bad because I haven't said goodbye or tell people I am leaving back, or told some people I actually came back to U.S. I didn't get to hang out with some people I wanted. I remember coming back from grenada and saying I am going to do all these things and I ended up doing nothing, like 1% of all the things I planned, I kept falling ill every week and its only till now I feel better. What a coincidence, now that I am leaving, I was even breaking out some but now its cleared, so maybe my body doesn't like to stay in Texas anymore. But I hope next time I come back it will be better.  I read my  the blog I posted before this one  and I didn't like it, I am not good at using metaphors and explaining stuff and I don't think I am comfortable writting about my feelings lol, yes I do feel sometimes but I honestly don't think alot lol, like, there is no air in my head, but I don't go around holding on to certain feelings, or thoughts. Feelings change like lindsay lohan hair colour lol so its no need to dwell on them. and I think when you write something it seems like you are like thinking about things all the time lol because its like (valley girl) so one dimensional. Anywho I am going back to bringing my luggage downstairs, I suppose next time I will be in Trindad and tonight I will be in Grenada. ahh Grenada I can't wait for the heat, It is cold up in Texas right now. I am so excited to see some familiar faces. Lots of hugs to go around and catch up with people. So I am looking forward for that. Also Sunday is the bazaar ( its  for new students and old too if they want to join school clubs, you set up tables outside and have sign up sheet, like a club fair kind of thing). So I am going to have to get to work, no time for rest but its so cool like last semester I was on the other side looking around for clubs now I am going to be like on the other side, like talking to people about the club. Well I didn't get my hair done so my hair looks crazy and I have to fix it every time, so I am going to go do that right now. I am getting my hair done immediately when I get back to grenada. I already have an appointment lol. Its actually cheaper for me to do it there and its not that bad. It would have seem more convenient to do it here in America but I am practically living in Grenada so I am like comfortable using any kind of services, its like an extension of home that doesn't have a great mall close by lol but still home. I have been in point of view fortunate, well some people call it unfortunate because they might not like moving around but moving around has made me comfortable with moving, so I think home is like everywhere I suppose but there is one main home which is the home home home which is where your parents live so thats always like the main home but like there are many homes. lol. I think I will go now. haa

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