I Can Do All Things Through CHRIST Who Strenghtens Me - Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"espn" - less than two weeks to paradise

heyyyyy my first post under my new blog, this is my second blog, this being my second blog doesn't make me an experienced blogger by no means, my first blog I think I posted 3 blogs and their times were widely apart, I really thought I was going to keep up with it, it makes me nostalgic kind of, because when I go back and read my old posts I wish I wrote more, its always interesting to see what you were thinking previous moments ago, its like a sought of reflective look at oneself.

but one thing I dread writting blogs, or writting in general both informally and formally with blogs they are informal and with informal writting my problem is more with I have alot to say and it doesn't always read well or sound interesting, sounds like mindless chatter but maybe with formal writting i am able to withhold myself a bit from lashing out in mindless chatter and sentences that doesnt make sense. doesn't help that i am  incredibly lazy when it comes to typing wordy stuff too so in good news for me I got this speech recognition software called dragon, by the way I am not using at the moment but when I saw the commercial I was like excited about it because I thought of blogging and how I don't look forward to typing it and how I want to so much maintain a blog even if it kills me, making it is the easy part maintaining it is the annoying part but i am turning a new leafand i hope this dragon would help, unfortunately I tried installing it in my computer and my computer is acting jenky, "jenky" seems to be my new word, I seem to have been saying it alot lately or wanting to use it lol. so i am going to geek out on my computer and fix it later.

 Anyways before I go off a tangent, see this is why I prefer talking all these would seem so much lesser if I were to speak it rather than type, but switich topics I wanted the title of each of blog to be the music or sound or main thing thats around me and then maybe i could put a dash to specify what the blog is about, so espn being the title is because I am in my parents room and espn is whats on the tele, oh yeah baseball highlights soooo fun ( sarcasm) lol. Well this is the first post of the blog so it should be an introduction to what the blog is about, clear waters and silver dreams well clear waters because I am going to go study for my masters in public health in the eastern caribbean nation of Grenada on august 8 is when I leave, yep pretty soon from today and silver dreams is because I have a dream to work for WHO (World Health Organization), I want to do amazing work with public health, I am so very much passionate about this field and I am ready to serve and help so getting my masters in this beautiful country is the begining of my dreams. I really don't know what to expect I am going to a foreign country where no one speaks english, i am kidding they speak english, but for my undergrad  I didn't get it in public health so course wise I don't know what to expect so this blog is just to document my journey the good the bad and hopefully the gooder lol.  I am so glad I came up with this title, lol, it just came to me, I was going to call it girl meets caribbean, my epic caribbran adventures, maybe frenchy-fy the title to  mon aventure des caraibes blah blah blah but whats going on with me at the moment. 

Right now I am stressed out going mad lol, everyday I wake up saying you have less than two weeks left and in this less than two weeks left a lot of crap is happening, I got sick, we are going to have a lot of people staying at our house soon, my aunt and uncle are coming from Nigeria, I have this big Nigerian function thing to attend, my friends graduation party, church definetly church, spending time with friends and oh shopping and clean out the garage because my dad threatened to throw all my stuff before I got back from school. I can't even list all the things I have to do all I can say is right now I don't feel prepared, I can't imagine myself on that plane early in the morning august 8 with my bags I don't know how I am going to get there. There is just too much to be done and I haven't attacked anything major yet. I hope it gets better and this is the perfect time I am having car troubles, my oil is leaking so I am scared for the car to stop on the road if I drive it longer distance and I need to drive places men, so things are sucking real bad. Plus I feel I have not been giving a lot of time to God, I think about Him all the time I always do but I need to have Intense prayers and I need to study something, I am growing more and more as a Christian and I don't want to stop growing so I always need to challenge myself and I don't feel after camp I just came from, I have challenged myself enough yet, I have been getting caught up in stress and lazyiness, stress makes me lazy lol, when I get overly stressed out I just want to lie down and not think and waste time, I guess I don't feel in the right mood to get in my Word but I need to get it out of my head that I need to be in the right mood when I am just coming from a stressful or opposite place. In my overall life goal I would like to be a missionarist so I feel I always have to challenge myself spiritually to be prepared in faith as much as I can be and it all starts now the future begins now. 

 Tomorrow I need to get going and get some things done after this blog I am going to map out a plan for tomorrow, everything starts out with a car right and that I don't have at the moment, unfortunately and fortunately for me, my brother got sick today he has the same stomach flu thingy I have but I am much stronger when it comes to being sick, I have my moments of screaming in pain but I am a fighter, I don't take medicine so I have experienced some painful stuff that I never succomb to medicine to help alleviate it so I have a higher threshold for sick pains than my brother but he is suffering though, poor guy, I pray for him but fortunately for me I can drive his car tomorrow so I need to take advantage of it. Well I hope the next time I write another post, everything is all sorted out. But right now I am in texas not yet in clear waters and my dreams still feel far away but time is pushing us closer each second. I pray for guidiance and strenght. Sweet dreams and God Bless

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